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Atami Tsukiemon
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
40 m²
Special Room with Open Air Bath for 2 People
2 single beds
66 m²
Special Family Room with Open Air Bath
2 single beds
40 m²
Special Room with Open air Bath and Terrace
2 single beds
40 m²
Special Room with Open Air Bath
2 single beds
66 m²
Special family room with open-air bath [Japanese-western room] [Non-smoking] [Nightlife view] [Oc...
40 m²
Special room for 2 people with open-air bath [Japanese-western room] [Non-smoking] [Nightlife vie...
40 m²
Special room with terrace and open-air bath [Japanese-western room] [Non-smoking] [Nightlife view...
38 m²
View family room [Japanese-western room] [Non-smoking] [Nightlife view] [Ocean view]
40 m²
Special room with open-air bath [Japanese-western room] [Non-smoking] [Nightlife view] [Ocean view]
25 m²
Japanese Western Style Room for 2 People
Atami Tsukiemon
Atami, Giappone
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